and Delivery System
Chinabuybuy provides Door to Door Ocean Shipping Solution to South East Asia Countries such as Indonesia, Philippine, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand for all goods sold in our site. That means, we will handle all shipping and clearance until your doorstep.
Delivery Time Duration
Chinabuybuy owns and operates warehouses in Guangzhou, China. About 90% of all sellers in Taobao
and live at Guangzhou. For delivery of goods from
sellers and vendors takes approximately 3-5 days. After the goods arrive in the
warehouse, Chinabuybuy staffs will be check it to ensure the condition
of goods. If there is a damage, we will return
the goods to the vendor and seller.
From our warehouse to the country below, the estimates are :
- Indonesia : around 30 - 40 days from our warehouse
- Philippine : around 30 - 40 days from our warehouse
- Singapore : around 2-3 weeks
- Malaysia : around 2-3 weeks
- Thailand : around 10 days
Chinabuybuy provides free consolidation
services to save your international
shipping costs. You can order from multiple suppliers, ship all the goods to our warehouse and we will pack them all into one cargo before shipping to your country.
Chinabuybuy may not deliver goods prohibited
by the Government of the destination country or goods that may cause harm, or
be easily damaged during the trip, such as the following product types:
· Flammable or explosive goods:
Perfumes, nail polish and cleansers, essential
oils, hairspray, compressed air, matches, Tiner paints and cleansers, Catridge
Printers, Lithium Batteries, petroleum and derivatives, and alcoholic goods.
· Drugs:
All kinds of medicines, china medicines and
slimming products.
· Prohibited or regulated Goods:
Animals, fruits and vegetables, seeds, raw
foods, meat, electric cigarettes, tobacco materials, alcohol products, weapons
and explosives, handcuffs, swords, toy guns, copyrighted goods (Books, DVDs,
CDs, magazines), pornographic materials, and counterfeit / imitation items.
· Valuable goods:
Jewelry, diamonds, gold and silver, and antiques
· Other: Rotten items, goods that easily contaminate
other goods, magnetic materials and radioactive materials in powder / flour
form. For radio and communication equipment is also not allowed, because only
for export purposes.